Monthly Archives: July 2016

Playing Again!


Sophie & Shamrock Saturday

About a year ago, Sophie had a wart removed. I know that as Shih Tzus tend to get more and more of these as they age. The reason why we had this one removed is that it was on her back and it would get scratched and bleed when she and Shamrock were playing.

But then she stopped playing with him altogether.

Even after it healed!

I was so devastated. I didn’t understand what had happened. But slowly, she started to play again in the last few months. But only on her terms. Each play session was very short-lived and if Sham did one thing that she thought was too rough, she called the whole thing off.

But at this year’s dental cleaning appointment, the vet discovered that my little Sophie Jean had a fractured tooth below the root. OUCH!!! She also had to have some little front incisors removed that have shown complete bone loss. She is 11. It was expensive, but we had them extracted. She already was going under for her covered yearly dental cleaning.

And now she is back playing again – full throttle! They play for lengths of time again. Still, Sham is very careful not to play to hard in fear that she’ll want to stop. She’s even initiating play again. It makes me wonder how long that tooth has been hurting her. I’ve yet to get that perfect video, but here’s a fun excerpt.

Happy Saturday!
